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December 14-15, 2024 | 9:30am - 4:00pm

Instructor David Skinner

Studio Artiste, Wilmington, NC

Tuition $400 | Sold Out

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Dive into the fundamentals of creating a dynamic landscape painting using acrylic paints. The primary focus of the workshop will be to explore the medium of acrylic paints and to learn how versatile they are when it comes to painting landscapes.  Work from photographs, either your own or those provided, and learn how to work with color, composition and expressive brush work to create bold, confident work.


David Skinner is known for his colorful landscapes which bridge the divide between abstraction and representational art. Through demonstrations, slide show lectures, and one-on-one dialogue he will show you how to handle paint in a way that produces truly expressive results.


David recommends the Utrecht brand of heavy body acrylic paints Utrecht brand which can be found at You may also use Golden or Liquitex if that’s more convenient.

David Skinner will provide paints if you do not want to purchase your own - for an additional charge of $45.

2 oz Tubes of:
Ivory Black
Burnt Umber
Burnt Siena
Raw Siena
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red Medium
Alizarin Crimson
Phthalo Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Hookers Green
Green Oxide
5 oz tube.
Titanium White

An assortment of bristle brushes.
Shape - Bright
Sizes - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 (one of each)
Pad of disposable paper palette
Latex gloves (optional)
Small plastic bucket or glass jar to keep water in
An apron or old shirt to paint in
Photographs to paint from (David will bring plenty of photographs as well in case you don’t have anything to work from).


tel. 910-612-8680
Wilmington, NC

United States phone numbers require the country code "1" at the beginning.

Please add me to the roster for the following workshop(s):
Kari Feuer
Amanda Lovett
Beth Barger (Getting a Handle on Color Temperature)
Beth Barger (Pet Portraits With Personality)
Sarah Sedwick
Susan Lyon (Waitlist)
Julie Schumer (Waitlist)
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